Monday, December 27, 2010

~!Hello Kitty Coordinate!~

Hi again! I thought I'd show you my coordinate for the day. I did my hair the usual way, but every time I do it, it ends up looking a bit different. I'm wearing a hello kitty shirt I got for Christmas over my pink Bodyline JSK. I tied the ribbon a little lower so it would be visible. I have on 2 headbands that came in a pack I bought recently, I bought them because the pink bow one and the fake pearl ones looked cute together sitting in the pack so I'm wearing them together. They were supposed to stay together, but in all the pictures they ended up sliding apart. I have two bow clips in my bangs, that I curled because they were getting a bit to long and I didn't want to cut them right now. I'm wearing off-white tights, and mary janes. I have so many pins in my hair to keep it in place, including two cute pins that have pink shineys on them. In the second picture I decided to spice it up a little with my new ipod headphone jacket. It's so neat because the hangy downie strings are headphones that attach to my ipod in the pocket, and it's pink of course! I also have my hello kitty plushie that came in a pack of Sanrio characters for Sanrio's 50th birthday. Happy birthday Sanrio!~ I also have a hello kitty ring on, I know you can't really see it and I have my favorite silly bands, a fairy and a wand, both pink. I have a purple bangle too, because I couldn't seem to find my pink bangle. Oh! and I almost forgot my pearl necklace! It matches the ones on my headband. And of course my outrageously giant pink sunglasses I just love! What do you guys think? I was going for OTT/Deco Sweet and still casual. Have a sweet and sugary day, pretties!

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Do you have a sanrio themed coordinate? If not try and make one and post your picture or link to your picture in the comments below! <3

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Gasp! Disloyalty?! ... Maybe not!

(image from

Lately I've been spending every second of free time I've had reading various lolita blogs. Hearing other lolita's voice their opinions about certain things and give helpful tips and tricks for dressing and extending your love for the fashion beyond the clothes and applying it to lolita-esq hobbies or to making our room or even our whole world laced with a special layer of frills and our own personal touch of beautiful. It seems I may even be on lolita over load.

A lot of the topics I've read countless blog entries about getting simalar or completely different view points. I've known about lolita for a very long time and have ever since studied almost everything there is to know about it, because I was so hungry to know more and more. On a scale of Sweet to Gothic with Classic lolita being in the middle, I'd say I shoot off the scale in Sweet Lolita territory and even though it seems many lolitas are switching from sweet to classic lately and sweets becoming less well liked and practiced among much of the lolita community. I personally don't see my love of sweet ever dying out. Girly, pink, heavily decorated, and slightly childish things in fashion are what make my heart flutter. Though I'm just like any other person and I have interests that aren't all centered around one thing, I can't say most of my interets don't center around a common thing because they always seem too, but I do have the interests that seem to be the odd-balls among the rest of my interests.

Now were going to begin to get into the reason and point for this entry, my new found love for flat out fairy-kei. It brought out strange new feelings in me, one of them being disloyalty. Before I came across Fairy-kei, no fashion outside of sweet lolita really interested me much at all. I've been working up to being able to wear a lolita corridinate every single day and I've put a lot of research and effort into my love of the lolita fashion and suddenly having this itch to try something different, yet seeming to have so many simalarities to my favorite OTT sweet lolita coordinates I see, without the restriction.

That's one of the things about fairy-kei that feels so free and liberating I suppose. The cost seems greatly lower as well. When you are like me and love something so much as I do lolita, another fashion coming into your heart trying to tear you and your beloved lolita apart can be quite the scary thing. I was actually a bit terrified of how much I would like fairy-kei if I looked into it more or even tryed it. It did seem very simalar to my lolita and the things I loved about lolita just with that free of restrictions quality. Of course my new found love for fairy-kei didn't seem to change my love of lolita at all when I looked further into it, I learned my heart could love two fashions. I realised it may be like letting a new friend into your life that you fear may bridge a gap between you and your very best friend since childhood. I've always loved the modesty and morals, that for me tied in with lolita.

Ever since I found it I also appriciated the child-like innocence. Lolita seemed to give me confidence when nothing else would and brought the fairytale into my life that I despriately craved. I have learned you are by no means, less of a lolita, when you have a special place in yoru heart for a different fashion, when after all, fairies can be just as much a part of your fairytale as princesses. I don't think fairy-kei will mean as much to me as lolita has, but it will certainly hold it's own special place in my heart as I wear it as even a more casual style, on days I want a more casual look. For those of you that feel as I did in the beginning of this journal, disloyal to your beloved lolita, consider this, lolita is a style all about you and what you find beautiful and what makes you happy and the way you want to look.

Don't get swept up in all the internet drama and the "What if wearing this would make me look ita to someone else!" If you like it wear it and if your scared of what other people may think than remember the foundation of lolita or why you got into it in  the first place. It's about you and your personal beauty and if that means the occasional fairy-kei outfit, I say, YES! please go for it! Be yourself! Be so much yourself that everyone is left with an air of you even days after you leave there peresence. That's how I like to live.
 This post is a bit disorganized, but I had a sudden burst of inspiration and a break through pertaining to fairy-kei. Also, as a last minute observation. Fairy-kei seems a lot cooler on hot days of summer. So that's another time you may like wearing it. The main point of this blog was really not just about Lolita into fairy-kei, but Lolita into anything (Or maybe not even Lolita! Just anyone who has a fashion they feel strongly about.) Maybe your a Gothic lolita who feels the call and temptation of a full out gothic fashion or a classic lolita who is beginning to find mori grils or dolly style extremely charming.

 Follow your heart and don't be afraid to dive into different fashions or take your lolita on any out-of-the-box (I accidently typoed and wrote "out-of'the-bow" at first and it fit so well that I had to add that it had been a fun typo) I plan to experiment with Fairy-kei soon, though it has been a bit harder for me to find clear guidelines on than it was for me to find the do's and don't's of lolita, which I learned over and over again a long time ago. Maybe fairy-kei is just a freer fashion without such strict do's and don't's as lolita. Though the do's and don't's of lolita are just to help new lolita's make good outfits and once your a more experienced lolita I think you should begin to go outside of the box with your lolita and I plan to do a series on things in lolita that are out of the box and I love and people who push the envelope and I deeply admire. I'll post my attempt at fairy-kei as soon as I finish putting it together and than, will I tell you what I think from a wearing stand point. I'll also get more into fairy-kei itself on a different day in a different post!~

The most important thing I hope you learn here is, it doesn't make you any less of a lolita to stray a bit and be fond of other fashions!

Until than, That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Show me you wearing your dearest, non-lolita outfit or wearing a very out of the box and completely wonderful lolita coordinate.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Looking Sweet In The Winter Time!

OTT Sweet Lolita in Winter by SkittyBitty 

OTT Sweet Lolita in Winter
This was my first time playing around with Polyvore and it was a lot of fun! I may do a lot more using Polyvore, so expect that~! Though I wish they had more variety of some things, they have enough to show a coordinate idea. This particular coordinate was directed at the OTT Super sweet lolitas out there. I decided to give ideas for the lolitas experiencing cold and snow lately.

I thought I would do this one first, since I prefer to dress in this "sub sub" style. When creating your coordinate you, of course, wouldn't need to use these exact items. They just serve as a visual aid or an example. Let's start with the biggest piece, the dress. This one is a very cute dress from Angelic Pretty, but of course it isn't required to have a dress, though I suggest some kind of good blouse if you choose a JSK to keep your shoulders extra warm even if you leave on the cardigan all day. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg to keep warm either. If your a lover of OTT sweet lolita you may have the perfect dress or JSK hanging in your closet. Just pick which ever one you like and coordinate around it. If your inside most of the day I suggest you keep the cardigan handy if you don't want to keep it on all day because you want to show off your dress, in case you catch a chill. I also suggest a bigger purse or bag than I have included. You may be like me and have a lot of things you like to keep in your purse and need a big one anyway, but in this case a big one would be useful in your quest for warmth because you would need to store your cardigan in it when you aren't wearing it. You could also keep a cute thermos of a warm drink to keep you toasty, you may way to keep it in a bag incase you over worry about it spilling in your cute purse as I do. Any cute and warm coat would work, really. As long as it's warm and you like how it looks with your outfit the coat would be just fine. If your going without something to cover your ears, such as earmuffs or even a bonnet, You may want to wear a pre-styled lolita wig. If your worried about your real hair getting messed up by the wind or frizzing in the cold, or anything like that, a lolita wig would also be good. I included a cute one in the polyvore coordinate. Wigs are not only cute and easy, but they aslo keep your head as warm as a hat. You want thick long socks or thick tights. For OTT sweet lolita I suggest something that sticks out with a very cute design. As for the shoes, I chose two styles that would be good in my opinion. The first is the Lolita Sandal Platforms will rise you out of the snow and keep it off your feet for the most part and they are very cute. The other choice are the natural choice, the Lolita Boots. Any lolita boots of good quality usually work and keep your feet warm and toasty. Last, but most important of all, the accessories. In OTT Sweet Lolita the accessories are key in the outfit. Match them to your outfit and if you can even find some that may help keep you warm some how than that's great! It's always a good idea to find a cute scarf to wear!

Remember these are just suggestions and you could find cheaper alternatives on sites like, Bodyline, if you can't afford some of this at the moment.

Everyone else needs to stay warm too of course! Most of my tips can be adjusted to your own personal lolita style. Here's a couple more cold weather coordinates I made as examples for other lolita substyles.

Classic Lolita

Similar tips could be applied to Classic. The bonnet is always a good choice in Classic, but in case you may want to take it off later in the day, I'd say keep a small brown bow headband in your purse to switch if you wanted to.

Gothic Lolita

I may not be as good at "Gothic Lolita" because it's very different from the OTT sweet that I'm used to. Thought it seems to be full of warmer and longer and blacker clothes than above so it'll be very warm usually and easier to keep warm in winter.

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Show me your warmest winter coordinate!~ 

Happy Christmas eve! Have a Very Frilly Christmas!

Merry Christmas all you frilly pretties! This is what I wore to my Grandparents Christmas Eve parties today. The socks are Christmas socks my great aunt bought for me yesterday when we were shopping with my grandma. I got the hello kitty shirt than too there were a lot of pink hello kitty shirts at Meijer and I just couldn't resist! The cardi, skirt, and bow are from bodyline. I have my hair done the same way as the last post because I fell in love with it. The shoes are just comfy flats, I had to do a lot of walking. 

This is my ott-esq sweet lolita Christmas coordinate! I really liked how it turned out. It's also kind of a casual ott sweet lolita type thing. That's how I keep wanting to refer to it because of the shirt. I wanted to add more accessories to my hair, but we were running late. I took the picture at the end of the day so my outfit may look a little creased because I sat on it quite a bit. My sister said I should take the picture with the glasses because it looked even more "decorated" with the glasses on my face. Just wait until I bejewel my glasses like I've been wanting to do. Anyway, I've been rambling, Have a very frilly Christmas! Stay safe and warm! 

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Show me you giving your very own creative OTT sweet lolita coordinate a try!~

Monday, December 13, 2010

Hair, Hair, and More Hair (and a bow too!)

I love hair, it's my favorite thing to change and play with. I'm pro good lolita wigs to style and make pretty to the highest degree and keep your hair perfect all day! I would rather buy a wig than dye my hair if I wanted a different look. Though, as for this particular hair style, it's my real hair. I'm yet to invest in a good lolita wig, but I've been looking at them and researching them. I'd love to hear some of your input on wigs. Sites to order them from, reviews? I'd love to see! Anyway, I was bored last Saturday and wanted to try following a hair tutorial by the wonderful Shelby Cloud of youtube. Her hair is longer than mine, so her style looks a bit different in the video, but it's a very easy to follow tutorial and it requires little hair experience or hair materials. I kept the look simple and blocked out my face so everyone could focus on the hair style. I was very proud of how it turned out. It's a quick and easy style that I would do everyday if I got up a little earlier on a daily basis. The dress is from bodyline and so is the bow. I plan to save my feelings about brand versus bodyline/offbrand for another post. This is all about the hair. All I needed to do this hair style was a curling iron, hair, two think ponytail holders, and hair pins. If you try this hair style too please send me a link to your finished product. I'd love to see how cute you all look. You may have noticed I'm also not wearing a blouse. I was only dressed up simply to stay at home. I would have worn a blouse, but the one I had in mind is in the wash. Besides, it's been hot in my house since it started getting cold outside, we've cranked up the heat! Have you been experiencing the same change? So far I'm starting this blog with small entries, but I hope to really get into in depth topics once I get the ball rolling and gather some momentum! Blogging so far, has been a blast. 

Also, see the bow in my hair? I've had it for a while and I finally learned how to wear it! I can be a little slow. I thought the secret to getting it to stay up and look good was in the comb, but I realized once I put it on that it's all in the ribbon. If you having the same problem, than I'll walk you through it. When I was having trouble putting the bow on myself, I didn't find anything online that could help me with this little problem. The bow has a comb on the bottom and a ribbon on the sides of the comb. What you want to do is sit the bow comfortably on your head the way you want it, don't worry too much about the comb, that just makes it harder. Than, either tie the ribbon behind your hair or have someone do it for you. Tie it fairly tight and secure and it should stay on! 

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Try the hairstyle tutorial if you can! I'd love to see how it turns out~ 

Good Morning!

Time to blog! Hello! I'm very excited to get this blog started. I got the idea for the opener from my favorite blog Lolita Charm I thought the picture on it was very cute. So I used a really old picture my friend took on a kinda low quality camera than I blingee-fied the picture and made it my MSN picture. I've been wanting to start a blog for a while and I finally felt the push to do so yesterday, so I did. It isn't morning, but school didn't close today like I thought it was going to. I was gonna start the blog in the morning, but I didn't have time and I really wanted to get started today. I figure it must be morning somewhere right?

Who am I? Just a simple girl. I love Sweet Lolita, I especially love to push the envelope with OTT Sweet Lolita, I find it so very cute. I'm also a lifestyle lolita! I'm very cheerful and nice so feel free to comment, say hi and join me on my journey with Little Cup of Lolly. On the topic of the name you may be thinking, 'lolly?' Well I prefer abbreviating lolita as 'lolly' rather than 'loli' I've always done it. I feel like just because everyone else abbreviates it a different way doesn't make the way I want to abbreviate it wrong, it's just different. I don't see may people abbreviate it as 'lolly', but you'll see me do it through out the blog. I'd love for you to tell me how you abbreviate it, do you stray from the pack and do it as I do?

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! (bye bye for now) See you next time!

Challenge- Comment a few things about yourself on this entry! I'd love to know who's reading!