Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lolita Checklist! Things to do (in lolita)

Hello my pretty frilly followers! I was just thinking today, as I braved the mud and wind with my frills and pigtails blowing in the breeze, what all I've done while in lolita that made me feel more confident and brave in it. I thought I'd make a list of things every lolita should or might end up doing if she wears lolita everyday or just regularly.

picture from here, she looks so cute!

~Go out in the rain! Maybe to get to school or the store to run an errand

If you need to do this it may help to have a cute umbrella and maybe a cute poncho. I wore a head thing that tied under my chin to protect my curled hair style.  

~Go out when it's muddy

Be VERY careful. It's been so muddy here lately and hard to avoid. I suggest black mary janes. Nothing expensive or light colored as far as shoes. 

~Go out in the snow!

People who live somewhere that it doesn't snow may not have to worry about this, but the melting snow here is why it's been so muddy. I've had to go out in the snow before, in the winter it's unavoidable. I said something in an earlier blog entry about what to wear in the snow. One thing I remember suggesting is the wooden bottom shoes to keep your feet above the snow. Try not to walk in deep snow still and walk where it's frozen if your feeling adventurous and think you can walk atop it. 

~Go out in the dead of night!

Be careful and make sure you have a buddy and a small pepper spray on your cute keychain filled key chain holder.

~Go to school

This one is a little different than the others, but sometimes people have to go to school and can't bare to leave there lolita. This is wonderful to do if you have bloomers on. Not so comfortable with no bloomers at all. I plan to get into that another time. 

~Go to the store/fast food place/restaurant

Gotta eat and buy tea eventually. It isn't like we stay inside all day right~? You may get stares and such things, but who doesn't expect that? Just be prepared! 

~Go out in freezing cold!

Bundle up!

~Go out in very hot weather!

Gotta have that fan and parasol!!!

This is all I can think of for now, but may add to it later. Expect a bodyline review soon because my latest shipment arrived! I also have a sweet story to share about an experience today that I will likely add at the end of the review. And I have a new account on look book~ I believe my username is SkittyBitty. I know I've been a stranger lately, but I've been having a lack of good topics lately!~ 

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Add something to the list in the comments below! Something to do or that you might have to do while in lolita..