Sunday, May 15, 2011

1000 cranes for Japan!

I've been really meaning to do this blog post for a while! I was waiting until I could wear the earrings, because my ears closed up since I hadn't been wearing earrings and I had to poke them back through. I had to wait until they were more healed. I finally took the pictures and found a minute to do the blog entry. Only 2 weeks of school left, though. So, I should be able to post a lot more in the summer. Anyway, to the actual point of the entry. My wonderful Japanese teacher decided to start saving up money and collecting donations for Japan since the earthquake. In honor of every donation she or one of the students that volunteered to help her would make a paper crane and let the person who donated write a message to Japan. For every dollar donated, we made one crane. We hope to send Japan 1000 cranes and 1000 dollars (1000 cranes are good fortune in Japan). It seems we've been collecting donations for a very long time. My Japanese teacher spent so much of her own time and effort to her 1000 cranes project. She is very good with clay and learned you could make clay cranes, so she did. She worked and worked and sold many clay cranes and didn't take any money for her effort in making them. All the profit she made went to our donation fund to go to the Japanese Red Cross. I donated, of course, and absolutely adored the work my favorite teacher was doing to help others in another country.

This is an up close picture of my crane necklace that she made for me, because she knows I like pink, and I was overjoyed to buy the necklace and the earrings and am over joyed with what she's doing.

I know my ear looks a little red here, but as soon as I could get the earrings in to take the picture, I did it! This is my left side crane earring that matches my necklace. I thought the ideas for donation that my teacher came up with were wonderful and creative and the clay cranes really started bringing in a lot of money. We're already have past our goal. That's right, we raised over 500 dollars. That's pretty great for such a small school in a small town. Just shows if all schools did the same we could make a real difference! I know a lot of you wish you went to my school now so you could get your hands on some adorable clay crane jewelery, while helping Japan in the process! As far as I know right now she isn't making any to sell online, but who knows with enough people interested. Though, everyone should understand that she needs her free time too and already invested a lot of her time into this, very selflessly I might add! We salute such an amazing teacher, and I personally think she should receive an award. I'll wear my cranes proudly, knowing I helped make a difference and you can too!

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Tell me what you or your school might be doing to help out Japan. People that selflessly help others make the world a better place!