Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Primrose Path

Pictured is Odette (left) and Emily (right) drawn by Susu

Happy Afternoon! I hope your all having a very good week so far. I would have liked to have more blog posts by now, but I've been awfully tied up with school and my current work with a collaberated story! That's what this blog entry today is about, the story is called Primrose Path. The name comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet. For our purposes it means, "The pleasant route through life." As they say in the link I provided. It can also mean, "The road to self destruction." or "To be decieved." I think it's best to let people interpet it how they wish, it's more fun that way! The Primrose Path is a story of two lolitas who live in England. I won't spoil too much, but it is to be made into a webcomic by Susu (My best friend and "business partner") and myself. We're also writing it together, we have certain characters we control and we send it back and forth. It's very fun. It will appear here on smackjeeves and is likely to start being drawn around springtime. I hope I can get many lolitas to read it and enjoy the story. It's very much about being in a western lolitas (Or any lolitas) shoes. They have there own problems, but lolita is like an escape from those problems into a different reality and makes the main characters, Emily, a sweet lolita, and Odette, a classic lolita, very happy. Many people around are unaccepting and intolerant of lolita and do and say some pretty harsh things, that I'm sure most of us have heard. It's a realistic stories that capture first hand what it's like to be a lolita and just an everyday person. Though lolita is a big part of the story, the story line is about the lives of the girls in the clothes and lolita isn't all the story is about. Both Susu and I are very excited to start drawing it and we've planned it out and written out many chapters already. If your interested please stick with us and read about the lives of the two lolitas, we'd really appriciate it. I thought this would be the perfect thing to blog about, since it's whats been taking up my time lately. I personally always think how much I'd love to see more lolitas in literature and things like that so I'm excited that maybe many others wanted that to and will be very happy to read The Primrose Path. For those of you that like sweet love stories and a bit sadness, maybe the occasional bit of forbidden love, The Primrose Path has this along with a lot of cute lolita fashion. It's our labor of love and we hope you'll love it too.

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Get to know ur Primrose Path characters and maybe become a fan of the story on smackjeeves! It would make Susu and I happy to know people are reading.


  1. @Raegan We have about a chapter and a half posted here http://www.smackjeeves.com/comicprofile.php?id=94886 we do a whole lot of comics and stuff so this particular one will be on hiatus, but hopefully not for too much longer! :DD
