Saturday, March 12, 2011


image from here and is my poupee avatar

I got my poupee account a long time ago, but didn't get into it until today. I know many many lolitas have been crazy about poupee for a long time, but I seem to just be getting obsessed. I uploaded a couple of my dresses and already have so many sweet compliments on them, and quick. Most sites aren't like that. On some sites I may get a comment on a picture I worked hard on in about a week, but in less than an hour I have more than 5 comments on poupee. The community is unbelievably active and friendly and it's such a joy to look at al the cute things people have in their closets! I'm feeling all the love and happiness  I get from poupee and I wonder why I didn't get more into it long ago. What a wonderful community to be apart of! I just bought a kitty doll, you could see it if the birdy wasn't in front of it! I'm in a very happy mood and even though it's 3:30 am, I couldn't feel more awake and energetic! Seeing all the wonderful things that poupee has to offer certainly helped with that! I just had to blog, I've been wanting to all day and I'm glad I found a topic! I wish more online communities could be like poupee! I hope to spoil my avatar and buy her a lot of nice things~ Please add me as a friend!  (link to my room provided on the "me") I'm having so much fun! I look forward to seeing all of your poupees! <3

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Add me as a friend on poupee if you have one! Make sure you tell me who you are on poupee in the comments below please!~ 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Transcendentalism and the Lolita

The image comes from here!
I felt very fired up to write this entry ever since 6th period English, when we read a short essay with the student teacher in the transcendentalism unit. The essay was called, "Self-Reliance" by Ralph Waldo Emerson, who is known to be the founder of transcendentalism. Stay with me here~!  I know it sounds a bit boring and complicated, but it's very interesting and the essay was only almost two pages in our literature book. I suggest you read it! The transcendentalists had some fascinating ideas. What had me interested and ecstatic, even, about this essay was how much it reflected on my own philosophy and my love of lolita, of course. All I could think of was lolita and the bravery of lolitas when I read it. Before I read it there was an assignment that had to do with transcendentalism, we had to write about a time when we stood out and the first choice for me to write about, was of course, wearing lolita.  The essay basically says, you should always be true to yourself, no matter what that is and who cares what anyone else thinks! I'd like to think something he says would be like saying, "Dance like no one is watching" that's not exactly what he said, but thats a bit how I interpreted it. Though, maybe it's more like, "Dance like everyone is watching, but you just don't care." He says in his essay that people are more themselves when they are alone, but they should try to be that self all the time. An interesting thing he says is, "Imitation is suicide." I didn't get it at first, not really until the student teacher explained it, but it;s an interesting concept I wanted to point out. he's basically saying, when you try to become someone else, the you that your are starts to disappear and in a way that's like committing suicide and killing the you that you had been instead of being proud of it and true to yourself. Another thing is, he said something that basically meant, there are people who put so much care into what other people think of them that they say, "I can't do/say/dress like that, what will people thing?" Sound familiar? I know many people who won't be a lolita, no matter how much they like it, because of what other people might say and think. Obviously, us lolitas are very much like the transcendentalists. We don't care what other people think and do what we love, because we love it. I think it's a wonderful way to think and live. I was so glad we were learning about it in class. You can find the essay here, I recommend it to anyone. It may not be something you like, but I happen to love the way of thinking that he implies in it. I lost many of the things I wanted to say on the train of thought from 6th period to now, sadly, but nevertheless I got out most of what I wanted to say. I'm very glad to have read this essay and maybe have discovered many people who think similarly to the way I think. I felt so fired up to do this, like I do whenever I think of a really interesting blog topic. Something that really hits me, good or bad. I really do hope I can post more often very soon. Thank you fro reading my pretties! I hope I may have helped you learn something new!

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Read the essay and comment with your thoughts below, please! <3

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Primrose Path

Pictured is Odette (left) and Emily (right) drawn by Susu

Happy Afternoon! I hope your all having a very good week so far. I would have liked to have more blog posts by now, but I've been awfully tied up with school and my current work with a collaberated story! That's what this blog entry today is about, the story is called Primrose Path. The name comes from Shakespeare's Hamlet. For our purposes it means, "The pleasant route through life." As they say in the link I provided. It can also mean, "The road to self destruction." or "To be decieved." I think it's best to let people interpet it how they wish, it's more fun that way! The Primrose Path is a story of two lolitas who live in England. I won't spoil too much, but it is to be made into a webcomic by Susu (My best friend and "business partner") and myself. We're also writing it together, we have certain characters we control and we send it back and forth. It's very fun. It will appear here on smackjeeves and is likely to start being drawn around springtime. I hope I can get many lolitas to read it and enjoy the story. It's very much about being in a western lolitas (Or any lolitas) shoes. They have there own problems, but lolita is like an escape from those problems into a different reality and makes the main characters, Emily, a sweet lolita, and Odette, a classic lolita, very happy. Many people around are unaccepting and intolerant of lolita and do and say some pretty harsh things, that I'm sure most of us have heard. It's a realistic stories that capture first hand what it's like to be a lolita and just an everyday person. Though lolita is a big part of the story, the story line is about the lives of the girls in the clothes and lolita isn't all the story is about. Both Susu and I are very excited to start drawing it and we've planned it out and written out many chapters already. If your interested please stick with us and read about the lives of the two lolitas, we'd really appriciate it. I thought this would be the perfect thing to blog about, since it's whats been taking up my time lately. I personally always think how much I'd love to see more lolitas in literature and things like that so I'm excited that maybe many others wanted that to and will be very happy to read The Primrose Path. For those of you that like sweet love stories and a bit sadness, maybe the occasional bit of forbidden love, The Primrose Path has this along with a lot of cute lolita fashion. It's our labor of love and we hope you'll love it too.

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Get to know ur Primrose Path characters and maybe become a fan of the story on smackjeeves! It would make Susu and I happy to know people are reading.