Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What "Not" to Wear

You may be familiar with the show. I saw it accidentally once and to be honest, I didn't like how the show conducted itself. I'd watch it every now and again, when it was on, to see the unique and original things people wore before they let the so called "fashion police" completely take away all of their creativity. What's really sad is that it was the family that "sold them out" to the show. It's not always too horrible, sometimes the people don't cry. Sometimes. If you've seen the show, people who want to keep their clothes and stay the way they are are treated badly. I've seen numerous unique styles and they didn't want to be changed. They were attached to their creative fashion and were a quite upset about them actually throwing the clothes they may have worked ahrd to collect, into the garbage! We, as lolitas, can especially identify with that. I actually thought about writing a post about this show before and only say about this much. I used to think I could say, Just imagine if they saw one of us.  I figured they would try to tear us to shreds. Now I don't have to imagine. I actually accident;y came across a little artical about the "What Not to Wear" people actually getting their hands on a lolita! Considering I new what they did on the show I was fairly outraged. We know it's different, but we wouldn't spend all that money on it if we didn't like it! Who are they to ever tell us we can't wear lolita!? Because it's different? Excuse us for not being an exact clone of every other person in America. Excuse us for liking to be a little different. I did a little research, just to see what happened to the poor girl. I found a few videos on youtube, excuse the quality.

In this video alone, which is the first one I looked at, I was pretty shocked, every second was hard to watch. First of all, it starts off with how happy she is with how she looks. That should be all that matters, case closed. The "fashion police" of course wouldn't think so though, would they? She has to look like a clone of every other person around her in their eyes. Something that won't cause others to look up from their grey tented world. They go on an insult rampage throughout the entire thing and in this video she is so surprising collected. I know many lolitas who would be either kicking and screaming, on the floor, if you tried to through away their very very expensive brand. ALL OF IT. All they worked for. I know others who would just punch them square in the face because, "No one touches their brand." I can't believe this girl let them throw away all of her clothes! She seemed to have quite a collection. They made very little since in quite a few of their statements. They said something along the lines of, your 30, think of words that rhyme with 30, "Flirty" and "Dirty" and yet they made obvious and offensive, not to mention judgmental comments about lolita seeming very "sexual". They also said she either looked like a young girl or a grandma. Since when are either of those looked upon as "sexual icons" anyway! (To be honest I don't like to use "that" word or speak about things relating to them at all, but I feel like I have to in this case!) They make many comments about she's too old for it, when they have no no clue about the fashion. Not only that, but most of it's followers aren't very little girls, almost none are because the clothes are so expensive it's mostly people in their late teens and in their 20's. I honestly felt like they were trying as hard as they could to pull as many insults out of the fashion as they could. They say she doesn't dress her age, yet she was dressing her age for lolita! Imagine if she was a sweet lolita/OTT sweet lolita like me! What would they say than? If it were me nothing because I would ignore them, and I would never let them touch my wardrobe. If they did it would be illegal and they would be sued. Doesn't it make you twitch a little when Stacy makes the generalization that "It only works as a costume if your a grown up." Their insensitivity and lack of creativity continues to astound me.  She seems to also think it's only okay for people in Japan to wear lolita and that simply isn't true. If she thinks it's okay for the Japanese why isn't it okay for an American? I wish Lexa asked her that question. You could also read the comments to get some more pretty well thought out opinions.

I watched this video next. That's when I thought, that's more like it. That's a correct response. I feel so, so awful for Lexa and the loss of all that money and time and love she put into every piece of her clothes. I just hope she can get them back somehow.

Next was this very short video. Never find her style? Most people who dress lolita have found their style more than anyone else I've seen. I don't have much more to say on this video, except her lolita outfits were very cute on her.

I don't mean to attack anyone who likes the show, by any means. I'm just very upset with how this girl and most people who go on that show are treated and I was just venting~ It just is so very hard for me, as a lolita, to watch this happen to  another lolita. Throwing away her clothes and just laughing? That's just wrong. Now I just need to calm down and eat a cupcake!

That's it for now! so I'll sign off, bbfn! See you next time!

Challenge- Tell me how you feel about this episode of What "Not" to Wear or about What Not to Wear in general.


  1. Hello :)
    I was searching something about this episode of "what not to wear". In Latin America, the episodes on air of that program are never recent, or at least I haven't seen. This was one of the first things I found, and now I wish I can see it. I always found that program very offensive, and I agree with all you said about the videos... I think they should be more inclusive, perhaps?
    Thank you for giving your opinion about this show <3

  2. All the participants agree with entering the show. Their show, their rules, and with that credit card you're accepting them, no matter what. I'm pretty sure I'll never ever accept the treat (God, NO! I'm not for sale), but that people did and they should face the consequences. Case closed.
